Morning Beauties!
Before you throw on your cape and heels and head out the door to save the world... take a second for yourself, and make a cup of detox tea. It'll be worth it. I promise.
My mom shared this recipe with me and it's been a total game changer. For me, this natural detox drink is the perfect way to get my (very stubborn) digestive system flowing in the morning, kick-start my metabolism, and suppress my appetite for a bit.
Best of all, it'll only take 5 minutes and you likely already have most of the ingredients in your fridge!
Here's how its made:
- about a cup or two of hot water
- about half a lemon
- a couple dashes of cayenne pepper
- two tablespoons of organic apple cider vinegar with "the mother" (raw enzymes and bacteria that are good for the tummy and digestive track)
- one teaspoon raw honey
- a couple slices of fresh, peeled ginger
On perfectly planned days I like to have my tea while reading morning devotions...but on crazy days I throw it in a to-go mug and hop in the car.
Either way, feels great to know I've taken a few minutes to do something that will better my body in the long-run.
If you give it a try, let me know how it works for you. Cheers!
Love Always.